Game Jam

RELIC: Found is not Stolen


Relic: Found is not Stolen was developed for Global Game Jam 2021, and was themed around Lost and Found. It is a local multiplayer competitive game, best played with 3 other friends. Your goal is to find the lost RELIC in the abandoned temple, and keep it for as long as you can! Your friends will try to take it from you. You can also find other, minor artifacts to aid you in your quest to steal the RELIC from your friends.


A Game of Tag In A Dungeon Filled With Traps

RELIC is at its best when the chaos is at its greatest. It's the type of game where you sit down in a couch with your friends and laugh at each other as you steal the RELIC - just for your friend to steal it back a few seconds later.

Thinking back on it, the game's design was simple, but it worked rather well. It is quick, fun and funny, especially when everyone's stuck in the same room of the dungeon. Activating traps on whomever is chasing you always feels like you've outmaneuvered or outsmarted them. The other minor relics grant powers that are simple to understand, but that change how you approach chasing your friends. Props to Daniel Lucena, who was our game designer for the project!

Our team was composed of 5 devs - myself and Daniel Brum, who coded the game, Helena Mansur, who did much of the art, and Daniel Lucena and Gabriela Braga who acted as our Game Designer and Level Designer, respectively. I should also mention Daniel Lucena composed the game's track - yes, it has an original soundtrack! It was an awesome team to work with.

My Impacts On The Project

It's a game jam, so it's all hands on deck and everyone does a bit of everything. Here's what I did:

  • Pitched the game's idea and initial level draft at the start of the project.
  • Coded much of the game's internal systems, like vase spawning, RELIC tracking, player respawning.
  • Coded player-related functionality, like movement, death, RELIC powers, etc.
  • Made the game's promotional materials (with exception of the logo, which was of Helena's making) so we could post it on, our personal websites and social media.