
Sketch Fleets: Recolored


Explore the far reaches of the cosmos inside a sketchbook given life, born out of some kid's boredom in class! Take control of a hand-drawn ship and hop from planet to planet, destroying opponents on the way! Steal their colors and draw in your own powerful allies - every color has a power, ranging from chronic bounciness to cryogenic radiation!


A Hand-Held Space Odyssey

Sketch Fleets: Recolored is my third project for PUC Minas’ Video Games program. It’s an arcade shooter game for Android (ported over from PC), where you destroy enemies, steal their colors and use these colors to draw in your own allies!

I acted as project manager and lead programmer throughout the game’s development, which lasted a little over 4 months. I worked alongside two other talented programmers, two artists and one production assistant.

This game’s development was a journey, for sure! We struggled throughout early development, and underwent several design overhauls throughout the process. In the final month leading up to launch, we were very exhausted, but it had come together, and we were proud of what we had accomplished!

My Impact

With much of the functionality of the game taken care of by one of our team's talented programmers, I was free to focus on gameplay functionality, tools to help our designers work faster and a few assorted tasks. I was also the project's manager, so I also did a good bit of production and coordination. I ended up:

  • Conducting daily SCRUM meetings, Agile planning meetings and overseeing development progress.
  • Developing and maintaining the project's backlog alongside the development team.
  • Coding and configuring an automated build and deployment pipeline to enstate a build-centric development process.
  • Coding various gameplay systems, like player-related functionality, damage systems, a wave system and more.
  • Coding tools to facilitate the creation of enemies, their placement on the map and the color-based powers.
  • Coding AI for for the game's various ships.
  • Designing and implementing the game's tutorial system.
  • Writing all text for the "Card Deck", the game's collectibles, as well as all tutorial text and item descriptions.
  • Localizing all text to Brazilian Portuguese so the game could be published and shown in PUC Minas' game showcase event.
  • Making promotional material and descriptions for the project, including promotional images, promotional text and the game's trailer.