
Tank Wrecks


Tank-Wrecks is a fast-paced arcade game based on tank battles, where you face countless waves of various enemy tanks, while colleting ammo, health and other powerups. You control a single tank, and must survive for as long as you can!


Shells, Tank Shells Everywhere!

Tank Wrecks is my first semester project for PUC Minas’ Video Games program. It’s a PC arcade game about surviving waves of enemies as you pick up power-ups and resources, like ammo, nukes, temporary forcefields, repair packs and more.

I solo-developed it over the course of four months. It was a tough challenge. I had experience with game programming, Unity and other related tools, but lacked any experience making 3D art, as well as coding shaders and making VFX.

Challenges I've Overcome

Among the obstacles I've had to overcome for this project, here are the ones that stand out to me:

  • Juggling learning 3D art, blender, VFX design and shader coding while while also developing other aspects of the game at a fast pace.
  • Balancing priorities between the game's various areas as a solo developer, and deciding which ones should have the most time invested into, given my particular skillset.
  • Delivering polished promotional material and footage throughout development without obstructing other priorities so that the game could be featured in my program's showcase.
  • Rapidly addressing art and design feedback given by colleagues and professors while moving development forward in other fronts.